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House of Cindy’s Interior Design Blog

Creating a comforting environment is an art — and a little bit of a science, too. In our blog focused on interior design, we’ll delve into color psychology, a sense of space, and an eye for pleasing shapes and textures. After all, the comfort of a room is in the details. It's in the way the light falls on the walls, the way that light changes throughout the day and over the seasons. It's present even when it's not obvious—like when your favorite pillow is just right for your body or when a particular breeze cuts through the room at just the right moment. It's made up of all these things, but none of them alone could ever create that feeling of comfort; they work together like an orchestra, each instrument playing its part in creating something greater than itself.

The Art of Color Energy: Indigo

The Art of Color Energy: Indigo
Sacred and Sought after Indigo Blue is the color of Royalty and Saints. In ancient times, the color blue was not found in nature, as it is not an earth color and could only be seen by the eye, in the sea and sky. The unattainable hue, drove
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What is your pillow I.Q.?

What is your pillow I.Q.?
When you decorate like a designer, decorative pillows are never an after thought. Designers know that the right pillows incite feelings of desire and belonging. Decorative throw pillows, are designed to bring your soul home and invite comfort
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Under the spell of Indigo

Under the spell of Indigo
People the world over have been held, spellbound for centuries, by Indigo's potential for magical transformation. My soul is unleashed, when I think of how, the simple green leaves of the garden indigo plant, Indigofera Tinctoria, grown by na
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Count your Lucky Shamrocks!

Count your Lucky Shamrocks!
Shake, Rattle and Roll...Count your Lucky Irish Blessings...after the morning shaker here in Los Angeles! Green is the color of love on this St. Patrick's Day. Waking up to the Shamrock Shaker, yes, indeed the earth is a live, as she reminds us th
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Modern Coastal Interior Design & Classic Farmhouse Style

In our sustainable living blogs, you’ll get a sense of how to blend the old and the new to create a living space that is both beautiful and sustainable. We celebrate traditions of the past by incorporating handcrafted, rustic styles with modern coastal interior designs. Garner a balance between the familiarity of classic, vintage flair and modern sophistication. Small touches make that dream a reality. Whether it’s a set of throw pillows with inviting pops of color or a plush throw blanket that begs to be held, these thoughtful accents can turn your space into a sanctuary for your mind and body.

Experience Mindful Living

At the heart of our interior design blog is the desire to make your home a sanctuary through artisanal decor handmade from ethical sources and natural fibers. A place where you can retreat from the world and find yourself again. A space that feels like you and reflects the best parts of who you are. At House of Cindy, we believe that in order to create a truly beautiful home, it must be more than just beautiful—it has to be meaningful. It should speak to your soul and tell stories about who you are and what matters most to you. You don’t even need to become an expert designer—we’re here to help. We welcome you to our community, and we invite you to discover mindful living and start your own conversation on decor.